How often do you say YES to life?
The truth is most of us are stuck in a cycle of NO. We regret, feel a sense of lack and are stuck in such negativity that we can't see the forest for the trees…we say yes to everyone else and the cost is our own alive-ness.
One of my favorite teachings in yoga is that of Radical Affirmation or Radical Acceptance.
It's your Radical YES to life.
It is the invitation to affirm the whole of your experience. Not just to say yes to part of it and then object or deny another part. It is how we get real to what is being offered us.
Life wants to LIVE.
It seeks to flourish and will instinctively protect itself and empower itself, not just to survive, but to flourish and love, and enjoy life. It's an affirmation of joy to just being alive!
Joy isn't just a human emotion, but a characteristic of how life itself operates and, as Douglas Brooks states, a description of what nature always does. Everything that lives is pursuing its own affirmation.
When we say YES to the whole of our experience, we come to a place of total acceptance of what is…YES is a gateway to joy and tranquility.
Are you ready to say YES to your life?
My friend Becky did.
When she came to me she was depleted, exhausted, and felt like she had many pressing things on her plate.
She recognized her old habits weren't working for her.
She was ready to feel better and recognized that my program Wholehearted Being was an opportunity to get back on track.
Today her habits are automated. She's experiencing more time, more energy, better acceptance of herself and a more positive mindset to boot!
If you are ready to feel better and say YES to yourself, Schedule a Clarity Call with me here!
Together we'll explore your challenges, bring clarity to your desires and see if we're a good fit.
You can watch the third part of Becky's interview here.
Please reach out with any questions, comments, or remarks.